
初三英语| 九年级上册英语易错题总结118题(含答案)

更多微课点关注→ 初中微课资源 2023-02-27
















1.---Who’s taken away my English book?


A. I have    B. Him    C. She did    D. He took it

2. ---This kind of rice tastes nice.

---Yes. It ________in northeast of China.

A. was grown    B. has grown   C. is grown    D. is growing

3. It’s known that the paper for books and magazines ______from wood.

A. are made  B. is made  C. has been made    D. is being made

4. Can you tell me__________?

A. when did it happen     B. when it happened

C. when was it happened    D. when it was happened

5. Two manned spacecraft __________into space in China in the past few years.

A. was sent B. has been sent    C. are sent    D. have been sent

6. She’s not asleep; her eyes are _______.

A. opened    B. open    C. close    D. closed

7. About 40 tourists ________the protest about the bad service of the restaurant.

A. joined   B. attended   C. go to   D. took part in

8._____is most important in life isn’t money.

A. That    B. What    C. Which    D. Who

9. Please look after my plants _________I am away.

A. while    B. as    C. before    D. as soon as

10. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is_________ country.

A. so a beautiful      B. very a beautiful

C. such beautiful a     D. so beautiful a

11. If the homework _______, you can go home.

A. did  B. has done  C. will be done  D. is done

12. It was raining heavily outside, the children were made _____ in the classroom.

A. stay    B. to stay    C. staying    D. stayed

13. The monkey was seen _________ off the tree.

A. jump    B. jumps    C. jumped    D. to jump

14.______my instructions, if you want to operate a machine properly.

A. Obey    B. Do    C. Follow    D. Agree

15. _____fun it is to visit Disneyland!

A. What a    B. What    C. How    D. How a

16. Things made abroad are not always better than__________ produced locally.

A. that    B. those    C. the one    D. it

17. They ___ play football every day when they were at college. But now they have no time.

A. used to   B. were fond of   C. lived on  D. were used to

18. The man stood there and didn’t ________to my question.

A. reply   B. answer   C. reply to   D. answer to

19. Japan lies ________the east of our country.

A. to    B. on    C. in    D. at

20. Look at the photo. The man ________me is my uncle.

A. next    B. beside    C. besides    D. close

21. Can you tell me_________?

A. what does he like  B. what he does like  C. what he likes D. what he like

22.Many kind of books, newspapers and magazines_________in this library.

A. are kept   B. is being kept   C. are keeping   D. have kept

23. Students are often told ________at people who are in trouble.

A. not to smile B. to smile  C. not to laugh  D. to laugh

24. —Look at the sign on the right.

—Oh, parking ________here

A. doesn’t allow  B. isn’t allowed  C. didn’t allow  D. wasn’t allowed

25. After the hero’s story _______ on CCTV, many people are learning from him.

A. reports  B. reported   C. was reporting   D. was reported

26. —Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?

—Sure. But what subject should I_________?

A. talking  B. talk about  C. talk with  D. talk to

27. —Let’s go dancing tonight.

—Sorry, I_________. I have to go to a meeting.

A. mustn’t   B. may not  C. needn’t   D. can’t

28. Liu Xiang is an Olympic winner in the____hurdles, and we are proud of him.

A. 110-metre B. 110-metres  C. 110 metre  D. 110 metres

29. I often hear her ________after class.

A. to sing    B. sang    C. sing    D. sings

30. —What did you_________just now?

—I_________you if you could follow me.

A. say; said  B. speak; asked   C. speak; said    D. say; asked

31. —Did you_________the first place of the league match?

—Of course we did. We_________all the other teams.

A. beat; beat    B. beat; won    C. win; won    D. win; beat

32. The teacher encouraged us ________on with our music study.

A. to go    B. going    C. went    D. go

33. In those days, books ______ one at a time by hand.

A. should be produced    B. should be produce

C. could be produced    D. could produce

34. Why not get some work experience first ______ straight on to university?

A. rather than go  B. rather than went C. instead go  D. instead of go

35. Personal computers_________in 1976. It has changed the whole world.

A. have been invented  B. are invented  C. were invented D. invented

36. —Have some candy?

—I am sorry, I have diabetes.

—It doesn’t matter, because it is_________of sugar.

A. none    B. without    C. free    D. not

37. You must return these books_________next Monday. Or you will be fined.

A. on    B. in    C. by    D. from

38. Will you drop_________us tomorrow evening for a talk?

A. on in    B. on at    C. in at    D. in on

39. Max is hardworking, cheerful, and_________honest.

A. after all  B. first of all  C. on the whole  D. above all

40. —Let’s go out for a walk, OK?


A. Why not?    B. Not at all.    C. Never mind.    D. No way

41. The police found the lost car_________.

A. with mistake B. by accident  C. by mistake  D. in accident

42. The policemen will go to_________the truth.

A. find    B. find out    C. decide    D. look for

43.I saw your enjoyable magazine while ______ my homework.

A. I did    B. I am doing    C. I was doing    D. I do

44. Jack didn’t study law._________, he decided to become an actor.

A. Instead of    B. Instead    C. In place of    D. Without

45. We need to buy a new car. This old car won’t ______ for very long.

A. drive    B. take    C. spend    D. last

46.Do you care about ________the environment and_________energy?

A. protect; save B. protecting; save C. protecting; saving D. protected; saved

47. I think_________necessary to tell him the news.

A. its    B. it’s    C. this    D. that

48. Hang Zhou is a nice city. Dad______me there when I was about ten years old.

A. pulled    B. caught    C. took    D. brought

49. _______ was the score of the match?

A. How many    B. How much    C. Which    D. What

50. ---Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

---_________. I’d like a glass of water.

A. Both    B. Neither    C. Either    D. None

51.--- Liu Xiang is as _______ as Yao Ming in the world today.

A. famous  B. more famous  C. most famous  D. the most famous

52. ---Would you mind taking care of my pet dog while I’m away?


A. Congratulations    B. Of course not

C. You’re welcome    D. It doesn’t matter

53. ---_________?

--- Nothing serious, but a bit tired.

--- Better have a rest now, dear.

A. Is there anything else      B. What’s this

C. What’s the matter with you  D. It doesn’t matter

54. I __ a present from Jack, but as I wouldn’t ____ it. I gave it back to the sender.

A. received, receive    B. received, accept

C. accepted, receive    D. accepted, accept

55. While going on business in Shanghai, he______ on his relatives.

A. dropped in  B. visited   C. saw  D. called at

56. In the year 2010, this building _________.

A. will finish building B. will be finished  C. will finish  D. finished

57.A talk on developments in science and technology _______ in the school hall next week.

A .given B. will be givenC. has been given  D. gives

58. ---Would you please tell Miss Li that she ____ as a volunteer for the 2008

Olympic Games?

---Of course. I will tell her tomorrow.

A. is chosen  B. chooses  C. has chosen  D. has been chosen

59. ---Make sure all the lights ________ when you leave the room.

--- OK, I will.

A. turn off  B. are turned off C. turn on D. are turned on

60. ---Could you tell me whom the radio ______ by?

---Sorry, I have no idea.

A. invents  B. invented  C. is invented  D. was invented

61. His wife got hurt in the accident. I didn’t know how to tell him ____bad news.

A. a    B. the    C. /    D. an

62. Can you help me ______ the problem? It is too difficult.

A. work on  B. work out  C. work for  D. work at

63. Mom _____ the bottle _____ juice.

A. filled; with    B. fulled; of    C. put; into    D. offer; with

64. Don’t be angry with him. _______, he is a kid.

A. In all  B. Above all  C. First of all  D. After all

65. Few of the people __________ interested in taking part in this activity.

A. is    B. are    C. be    D. to be

66. My parents bought me an electric bicycle that __ them 2000 yuan last mouth.

A. cost   B. spent  C. costed   D. takes

67. This is the place ___________ I have ever visited.

A. there  B. when  C. where  D. which

68. He got to the village __________ his family once lived before liberation.

A. that    B. where    C. whose    D. which

69. You _____ buy the TV guide for next week. I have already bought a copy.

A. won’t  B. needn’t to  C. don’t have to D. can’t

70. The Palace Museum is most amazing place I’ve never ________ .

A. gone    B. been    C. stayed    D. visited

71. Mr. Wang didn’t imagine __________ a teacher in his childhood .

A. becoming    B. of becoming   C. become    D. to become

72. The stories of Batman and Spiderman have been made _________films and TV programs.

A. into    B. from    C. of    D. up of

73. ---What would you buy for your mother’s birthday as a present?

---I am not sure. Anyway, I will surely buy _________ to make her happy .

A. enough good something    B. something good enough

C. something enough good    D. good something enough

74. “Please” is one of the most common expressions that _________ in China.

A. are used    B. is used    C. use    D. has been used

75. ---How about ___________ after school?

---Good idea!

A. go skating B. going skating  C. go skate  D. going skate

76. ---How do we do with our project on Australia?

---I will _________ some information on the Internet first.

A. look after    B. look at    C. look up    D. look through

77. It’s _______ wonderful fashion show on TV that everyone enjoy it very much .

A. such    B. such a    C. so    D. so a

78. Either her parents or her uncle __________ going to the airport to see her off.

A. is    B. are    C. be    D. to be

79.She handed in her homework, and _  asked when they would have the exam .

A. as well as  B. at the same time  C. but also    D. along with

80. A knife and a fork _____ on the table. A knife and fork _____ on the table.

A. is; is    B. are; are    C. are; is    D. is; are

81. There _________ a lot of good news in today’s newspaper.

A. is    B. are    C. was    D. were

82. Ethiopian children are crazy about soccer, but __________ of them have soccer balls of  their own. They have to play with a paper ball.

A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little

83. The people speak __ of the film Not One Less. It is really necessary for every child to go to school.

A. brightly   B. loudly    C. happily   D. highly

84. _____ students in his class are interested in listening to the music of LudwigVan ? Beethoven.

A. A number  B. The number C. A number of   D. The number of

85. You won’t play the piano very well __________ you work hard on it.

A. unless    B. if    C. when    D. no matter how

86. The car accident ___________ because of the heavy fog.

A. caused  B. happened  C. broke out  D. brought about

87. Please ___________ at six o’clock. My plane leaves at 8:30.

A. telephone me up B. wake me up  

C. call on me           D. knock me out

88. There ___________ great changes to our city since the 1990s.

A. are    B. have been    C. were   D. will be

89. After school, he often watches the school football team __________.

A. train   B. trains   C. training   D. to be trained

90. ________ have the football fans been in Seoul?

A. How often  B. How soon   C. How long   D. How much

91. As well as __________ the fresh air,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

A. breath   B. breathe   C. breathing   D. to breathe

92. How many books have been returned already? __________________

A. No one    B. Nothing    C. No    D. None

93. The leader of the party was examining the soil near __________ the cave.

A. the entry to B. the entry of  C. the enter to  D. the entrance of

94. Please___________ this form, giving your name, age, and address.

A. fill with    B. fill in    C. full with    D. full in

95. We __________ at the foot of the famous mountain.

A. went on a camel riding   B. went on a camel ride

C. rode camel     D. had camel ride

96. ---Did you finish your writing assignment (作业)?

---Of course I did. __________, I’ve got an “A”.

A. Anyway  B. On the way   C. By the way D. Whatever

97. Mary just has her_________.

A.15-year-old birthday    B.15th birthday

C.15 birthday         D.15 years old birthday

98._________Batman, Spiderman was also made into a television program.

A. Unlike    B. Like    C. Such as    D. For example

99. I can’t believe ______ he told me just now.

A. what    B. that    C. which    D. who

100. We did a lot of activities in the summer camp ___games, small competitions,giving talks, and so on.

A. including    B. included    C. to include    D. include

101. He used to be a worker in a factory. After he became a movie star, his life changed surprisingly little.He was living ______ life.

A. a special   B. an unusual  C. an ordinary  D. a rich

102. ---Is ________ ready for the dinner?

---Not yet. The table hasn’t been set.

A. anything   B. everything  C. something  D. nothing

103. ---Few people in his company have been abroad, __________ they?

---Yes, most of them have ever worked in foreign countries.

A. do    B. don’t   C. have   D. haven’t

104. ---_______terrible weather it is! I don’t want to go out.

---The report says it will get worse later.

A. How    B. How a  C. What   D. What a

105. I _____visit the Great Wall next week. Would you like to go with me?

A. will like to  B. want to  C. would want to  D. will want to

106. The Australian lifestyle is very ____.

A. similar with us                  B. similar to us

C. similar with ours               D. similar to ours

107. There are many sheep eating grass ____ the fields and ____ the hills.

A. on; on    B. at; at    C. in; on    D. on; in

108. Why hasn’t Jim come yet? If he doesn’t arrive in five minutes, we’ll go to the cinema _______ him.

A. without   B. except   C. instead of   D. rather than

109. What do you know about Bill Gates, _______  has done a lot in developing software for  personal computer?

A. the man  B. the man who  C. he   D. whom

110. Who can tell us_______?

A. how does an Indian tiger look like 

B. what does an Indian tiger look like

C. how an Indian tiger looks like  

D. what an Indian tiger looks like

111. The computer doesn’t work well. There ___something wrong with it.

A. seems to be                   B. seem to be 

C. seems to have                D. seem to have

112. The place flew higher and higher until it could no longer________.

A. seen    B. to be seen    C. be seen    D. see it

113. The movie is so _____that it ____the girl out of the movie theatre.

A. frighten; frightened   B. frightening; frighten

C. frighten; frightening    D. frightening; frightens

114. There is _______ everything to such a silly person.

A. not need to explain    B. no need to explain

C. no need explaining   D. not need explaining

115. Every student in our class has ______ good progress since last term.

A. made    B. taken    C. done    D. got

116. Jack ________ enter the competition because he thought the judges were all white, and  they might look down upon the black people.

A. managed to B. agreed to  C. refused to  D. decided to

117. They only ________ was I didn’t know the thermometer would be so hot.

A. difficulty    B. question    C. problem    D. trouble

118. One-third of the area _______ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees _______been planted for over thirteen years.

A. are; have    B. is; has    C. is; have    D. are; has


1-5 ACBBD  

6-10 BDBAD   

11-15 DBDCB   

16-20 BAAAB   

21-25 CACBD

26-30 BDACD  

31-35 DACAC 

36-40 CCDDA   

41-45 BBCBD   

46-50 CBCDB

51-55 ABCBA  

56-60 BBDBD 

61-65 BBADB   

66-70 ADBCD   

71-75 AABAB

76-80 CBABC 

81-85 AADCA 

86-90 BBBAC   

91-95 CDABB   

96-100 CBBAA

101-105 CBCCB  

106-110 DCABD 

111-115 ACDBA  

116-118 CDC








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